Magical high tides
- 2tides a day
- 100average strength of a high tide
- 2equinox tides a year
Tides and times
a breathtaking natural phenomenon
Tides dictate the pace of life in the Somme Bay. The landscape changes with the ebb and flow of the water.
High tides occur with each new or full moon, when sun and moon line up with the earth.
At low tide, the beaches seem endless, the horizon stretches out as far as the eye can see. Then at high tide, the water comes right up to the seawalls, washing the salt marshes where the sheep usually graze.
The Somme Bay is second only to Saint Michael's Mount in terms of tidal range in Europe.
They can reach up to 10 metres at the spring and autumn equinoxes.
Please be very careful and do not venture out alone in the bay. Nature guides lay on excursions all year round, including special high tide trips, so feel free to contact them.
The most beautiful vantage points
to contemplate the tides
> the ports in Saint-Valery-sur-Somme, Le Hourdel and Le Tréport have good maritime infrastructure so you can see the sheer power of the phenomenon for yourself.
> Cap Hornu: to watch at sea level.
> the seafarers' chapel for its commanding position and panoramic view of the entire bay.
> the sandy beaches in Quend and Fort-Mahon during low tide – seemingly endless.
> the cliffs in Ault and Mers-les-Bains to watch the tide rising.
Marquenterre park, the Maison de la Baie de Somme, Rando-Nature, Découvrons la baie and Sens Naturel offer excursions with a "High tide" theme to watch this natural phenomenon safely and learn all about it.
High tides
2024 dates
- 13 - 16 january
- 9 - 15 february
- 9 - 15 march
- 7 - 12 april
- 6 - 10 may
- 23 - 26 july
- 21 - 24 august
- 18 - 22 september
- 16 - 21 october
- 14 - 18 novembe
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